Kim asked me if I’d like to be one of her first superstars of her new NOEXCUSES 2.0 program, I’m no writer but I thought I’d try to inspire more women to believe in themselves and take their own journey.

In my teens and early 20’s I was a gym junkie, didn’t drink but ate what I wanted in moderation, at that age, it wasn’t an issue I managed to stay in a weight range of 65 to 69 kilo’s. I moved into my late twenties, got married and put on 30 kilos with my first child. I managed to get down to 71kg, but it wasn’t as easy to maintain, my weight was slowly creeping up, even though I was fairly consistent with workouts, I was drinking way too much which stopped me from losing the weight. 10 years later after my 3rd child, I had just turned 40, and that’s when the struggle got real. I tried different weight loss programs; I would lose the weight but slowly put it back on again each time. I was 86 kg’s in 2017 when I came across #noexcuses on my FB page. I joined up and lost 8kgs. Unfortunately, I treated the program as a quick fix and slipped back into my old ways. Even though I stayed more consistent with the food, my drinking increased so much that I was drinking more calories than I was eating and in 12 months, I had put the weight back on. I joined the app when it was released, became a Kim’s Crew Ambassador for Perth, met some wonderful ladies but I needed to change my mindset and give up the alcohol, which was killing my results.


At the start of 2021, I started to tell myself, “if I don’t change, nothing will change” I will Yo Yo my whole life, so in January 2021, I told myself, that I CAN give up alcohol for 12 months. I was doing so well until the 6th March when my husband had a serious mountain bike accident, where he was rushed to the Trauma Unit in Royal Perth Hospital with an Acquired Brain Injury.

Once he was out, I slowly slipped into my old habits of having those couple of glasses of wine every night. The weight started to creep back on, I started to struggle with exercise and was in a lot of hip pain, after seeing my GP and having a scan, I was told I need a hip replacement. I had a cortisone injection to tie me over and started doing more low impact and stopped running.

When LYL was released, I got engaged with Kim’s Chats, took onboard all the topics, the chat about giving up alcohol, finally changed my mindset, I gave up the alcohol again, I was doing really well, feeling so proud of myself and on track with the app and lost 7kgs. Then in April 2022 I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I was finally in the right mindset and I wasn’t going to let this derail me. I managed to stay at 79kg, I was not going to see 80 on those scales ever again. After my surgery and radiation treatment, I threw myself back into exercise and managed to stay away from alcohol. I managed to lose another few kilos. When Kim announced that she was starting the 2.0 program and there was going to be a paper version, I was so excited, I signed right up. This is what I need to help me get back into the 60’s on those scales.

After my 56 days I’d lost 23.5cm and 5.3kgs. I did it, I saw 69.9kg on those scales and since I’ve been procrastinating about what I was going to write, this morning I saw 69.3kgs. It’s been over 30 years since I’d seen 69kgs on my scales. I had lost just over 16kg’s in 14 months. At no time did I feel like I was on a diet, I didn’t feel deprived, and I never felt hungry. I went out this week and bought my first pair of size 12 jeans in 25 years and when I went to buy a top, the lady gave me a size M and when she had a look, she said, “you need a Small, your smaller than I thought” well, didn’t my head swell.

One thing I’ve learnt while doing NOEXCUSES 2.0, this is not a race, it’s a lifetime journey, a way of life, it’s the right foods in the right combinations at the right time of day NOEXCUSES 2.0 is so easy to follow, if you go off plan for one or two meals, just get right back on to it for the next. This program is so ingrained into me now, I can have a treat once and a while, I never feel guilty, this is my life now, I just get back on track the next meal. This program gives a lot of flexibility for those that don’t like certain foods. It’s not a diet, it is a healthy way of eating. I turn 60 years old in November, and I’m so grateful for this program, I’m about to order the 2.0X. I’ve never felt so happy in my own skin, I’m fit and healthy and I have a whole lot of living to do.

Thank you Kim for this wonderful program, I think you have kept me grounded over the past couple of years, with all I have been through, you have been there every Monday morning for our weight sessions, (I never miss a Monday) and your weekly chats have kept my mindset in check.

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