My Top 5 Tips to Thrive in 2023

This week on socials I have been sharing my ‘Top 5 to Thrive Tips’ for 2023! 

I have also been trying out some fun new short videos which I am loving right now, such a great way to share my message, I hope you like them too? 

My top 5 tips are based on my personal experience helping 1,000’s of women achieve their weight loss and body transformation goals, here they are:

 1. Consistency

Consistency is the one thing that is going to bring results. Put simply do the right things with eating and training consistency and you WILL get where you want to go. Doing it for a week is great, doing it for two weeks is awesome, do it for two months and real change will happen!

 2. Sleep

You really need to get between 6-8 hours’ sleep a night to function properly (I definitely need 8!!),  this becomes even more important when you are focused on weight loss. You are training hard so your body needs time to repair itself and let your muscles grow. Another big reason is when you are tired you are MUCH more likely to reach for comfort foods and sugar.

 3. Alcohol

Some real talk here, if you REALLY want to lose weight, give up alcohol for a couple of months. It’s not going to help you at all with your goal and you get much better results without it. If you enjoy a drink (I’m a gin and soda girl myself) then have one or two but please remember that everything in moderation is best, particularly as you get older and this is true especially with drinking, as it can affect your sleep and your mood so easily.

 4. Prep

This one seems straightforward but so many people don’t get this done each week. Basically my suggestion is to put aside an hour or so on the weekend to cook up and prep a few staples for the week ahead. Some examples are tuna and sweet potato patties and turkey cups. You want to have things ready to eat in your fridge or with you at work to stop you taking the easy option which is usually something that is not going to help you get to your goal! If prep really isn’t your thing then buy some brown rice and tuna packs and have them ready to go.  

5. Sugar

Like alcohol, if weight loss is your goal, then refined sugar is truly your enemy! Achieving weight loss is about keeping your blood sugar stable and onboarding refined sugar is going to throw this all out of whack. That donut or bag of lollies might make you feel great for a few minutes but the crash afterwards and the impact on your results is not. Ask yourself ‘Is the juice worth the squeeze?!!’. 

I hope 2023 is everything you want it to be for you and your family. 

If weight loss is on your agenda, please check out my brand new NOEXCUSES 2.0 8 Week Program – I’d love to help you achieve your goals! 

Kim x





Why I don’t count calories & my 6 top tips for managing your weight!